Danish Dating App

Danish Dating App Average ratng: 4,6/5 7741 reviews

Free Denmark Mobile Dating Site. Were you looking for an app for single local Danes? Why fuss with installing anything on your phone when the Danish Friends Dating Site is totally mobile friendly. We built this Denmark Dating Site for people to use it easily on the go to save you time. Denmark social network app is the best app to connect with people from Denmark for chat and dating. Our members are from Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg, Esbjerg and from all over Denmark.

The online dating scene in Denmark is quite effective even though it is small. The good news is that the best dating apps in Denmark have thousands of members, so you will have an excellent chance of finding true love in this welcoming and hospitable country.

Copenhagen has the distinction of having the highest number of singles compared to any other city in Denmark. So, your chances of success will be higher if you reside in Copenhagen. Nonetheless, you should not give up. Just be mindful of fake profiles, such as a profile with a woman in a suggestive post with a tiny bikini or a poorly written profile. If you avoid these pitfalls, you should succeed in finding the best dating site in Denmark that is apt for you.

Here is a brief list of the top three dating sites in the country:

1. Dating.dk

Dating.dk has the distinction of being the largest online dating site with more than 500,000 members. The site started in 1998 and has retained its easy-to-use and simplistic design. So, it is clutter-free and allows you to freely enjoy news and updates about events, read articles, and check out YouTube videos. It has outstanding customer support.

To sign up for this site, you need to be able to speak Danish or live in Denmark. Otherwise, you will be unable to sign up. It has a simple and easy sign-up process. You have the option of linking your profile to Facebook or you can create your own username and password. You can use the Quick or Detailed search option to find your ideal match.

2. Single.dk


This Danish dating site has been online since 1999 and boasts more than 380,000 members. It gets over 2,500 new members each week. So, it could be just the online dating app for you if you are looking to meet someone new and special.

Best danish dating app

The site uses a powerful algorithm to ensure each individual finds the ideal match. After all, a site whose motto is to create relationships that thrive year after year must be doing something right to survive for a couple of decades! You can like or dislike a profile and when the site finds the ideal match for you, it will notify you.

The modern design is attractive, but if you want to explore the site further, you need to sign up for a membership. You do require a Danish mobile number to verify your identity. Single states this verification measure keeps foreign and fraud profiles off the site. While it offers free membership, you cannot initiate chats. For that, you need to be a Gold member.

3. Partner Med Niveau

This Danish site is the latest kid on the block. However, within a short time, it has established itself as the go-to platform for educated singles, who are 30 or older. Partner Med Niveau is for those who are looking for serious and long-term relationships.

The site is extremely popular with upper-class Danish singles and has a unique method to match-make. It uses an AI-driven matchmaking algorithm that offers you three to seven profiles each day to choose from. This method is based on the personality test that you have to take the moment you sign up.

Every single profile on Partner Med Niveau is manually checked, minimizing the chances of fraudulent and fake profiles. It is the best online dating site if you are seeking an educated partner to begin a new chapter in your life.


Danish dating app review

What is the #1 dating app in Denmark?

It all depends what you are searching for. But if we look at the number of user its Dating.dk thats the best and biggest with over 500.000 memebers

How does a Dating app in Denmark work?

You can create a profile for free, all you need here is your email and then you choose a password. Then you have created an user and can start search.

Is Tinder popular in Denmark?

Yes there are many users of the Tiner app in Denmark also. We recommend that you try to create a user on the different apps and then choose the one that fits your needs the best.

Best Dating Apps in Denmark Conclusion

Out of these sites, you can choose the best dating site in Denmark. If you are dying to date but facing a money crunch, you needn’t worry. You can take out a quick and easy private loan from one of the many online lenders and go on a date with the partner of your dreams.

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What is the purpose of this app?

Smitte stop is an app designed to help Danish public health authorities contain the spread of COVID-19 as society slowly reopens. COVID-19 can be transmitted through close proximity to affected individuals. Right now, we have a limited number of people infected with the coronavirus in Denmark. We want to keep it that way even though people have started meeting at workplaces, in public transportation and have begun socialising.

By using the app, you can easily and anonymously let people with whom you have had close contact know that you have been diagnosed with COVID-19. This includes people you meet randomly, e.g. people you meet in public transportation, at theatres, in cafés etc.

Thus, the app is an essential part of transitioning back to daily life while managing the risk of further outbreaks.

How does the app prevent coronavirus transmission?

​Traditional methods of contact tracing are critical to containing the spread of the coronavirus. Technology can support and augment these efforts by allowing the public health authorities to quickly notify people who may have been exposed to a person who has contracted COVID-19, including those the person might not know directly. This is exactly what the Danish health authorities wish to accomplish with the smitte stop app.

When you are in close proximity to another individual who has the smitte stop app on his or her smartphone, the smartphones will start sending signals (IDs) to each other by using Bluetooth-based contact tracing. In this way, your phone registers other people’s phones with which you have had close contact.

If an app user is diagnosed with COVID-19, the app will remember that you, i.e. your phone, has had close contact with that person. You will then receive a notification warning you that you might have been exposed to the coronavirus. In the same notification, Danish health authorities will advise you on how to react to the exposure and how you can help limit further spread of COVID-19.

And vice versa. You can use the app to let those app users with whom you have had close contact know if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19. Then they can follow the recommendations given by the Danish health authorities as well as prevent further coronavirus transmission.

Rest assured, there is no information to tell you who those people actually are or where you were when you were near them. Your identity is not shared with other users either. In the notifications, you are completely anonymous. No one will know the identity of the one who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and subsequently has shared that information in the app.

How do I start using the app?

The app is currently only available in Danish. However, if you have basic Danish skills you should be able to install and use it, or you could ask someone you know for help.

To start using the app, you should follow these steps:

Best Dating App In Denmark

  1. Go to App Store or Google Play Store and download smitte stop. You have to install the latest version of the operating system on your phone to do that.
  2. When you use the app for the first time, you are required to consent before the app can save data on your phone about your recent close contacts.
  3. You are also required to consent before the app can use the technology called “The Exposure Notification System” developed by Google and Apple.
  4. The app will now register your recent close contacts. The app works even though your screen is turned off.

This app is just one initiative amongst many in the fight against the transmission of COVID-19. We therefore kindly ask that you follow the recommendations provided by the Danish health authorities about social distancing and hygiene even though you use the app.

How does “Exposure Notification System”- technology works?

Once you opt-in to the notification system, the Exposure Notifications System will generate a random ID for your device. To help ensure these random IDs can’t be used to identify you or your location, they change every 10-20 minutes.

Your phone and the phones around you will work in the background to exchange these privacy-preserving random IDs via Bluetooth. You do not need to have the app open for this process to take place.

Your phone periodically checks all the random IDs associated with positive COVID-19 cases against its own list. If there is a match, the app will notify you with further instructions and recommendations from the Danish health authorities on how to keep you and the people around you safe.

How do I let other users know that I have been diagnosed with COVID-19?

You can use the app to anonymously let those other users that you have been near know that you have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

Follow these steps:

  1. On the start screen of the app, you press where it says “Er du testet positiv?” (Have you tested positive for the coronavirus?).
  2. Then you have to use your NemID-login to confirm your positive test. Your positive test will be confirmed by linking you to the Danish database that contains information about all COVID-19 positives. This is a means of preventing fake positives.
  3. We will now ask you if you have had any symptoms of COVID-19 and when your symptoms started. The app uses this information to calculate which app users you have been in close proximity to.
  4. Finally, the app will ask you, if you want to share the IDs that your phone has released the previous 2 weeks (14 days to be exact). If you agree to share your IDs, all of your recent close contacts will receive a notification warning them that they might have been exposed to the coronavirus. In the same notification, they will receive recommendations and instructions from the Danish health authorities on how to react to the potential exposure and what they can do to limit further spread of COVID-19.

Best Danish Dating App

Will I be notified if I have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19?

Once you have successfully installed the smitte stop app and consented, you will get a notification from the app if you have been in close contact with another smitte stop user who is subsequently diagnosed with COVID-19. In the notification, you will receive recommendations and instructions from the Danish health authorities on how to react to the potential exposure and what you can do to limit further spread of COVID-19.

The recommendations are:

  • staying at home and cancelling all visits
  • being especially diligent in complying with the Danish Health Authority's general advice on proper hand hygiene and cough etiquette, focusing of cleaning, limiting physical contact, maintaining social distancing and showing careful consideration to people at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19
  • paying particular attention to whether they develop symptoms of COVID-19
  • getting in touch with their GP or the unit for contact tracing in the The Danish Patient Safety Authority on 32 32 05 11 as soon as possible, even if they have no symptoms so they can be referred for testing.

Can I use the app in foreign countries?


Danish Dating Apps

If you are on vacation or works in a foreign country and you are in close proximit to other users of the Danish version of the smitte stop app, the app will register your contact. However, the app cannot register users diagnosed with COVID-19 from other countries’ public health authorities.


If you have any questions or problems with the app, you can contact sundhed.dk’s support.

Danish Dating App

Write an email to info@sundhed.dk or call 44 22 20 80.

The phone is open:

  • Monday – Thursday: 9.00 - 15.00
  • Friday: 9.30 - 15.00

The support is closed Saturday, Sunday and national holidays.