Facebook Meet New Friends Feature

Facebook Meet New Friends Feature Average ratng: 4,8/5 1424 reviews

Create your very own social network at an affordable price

Finally, a potential income generator that will enable you to generate 5 figures or more per month!

AlstraSoft E-Friendsis an online social networking software that allows you tostart your own site just like Facebook. The E-Friends software allows members to connect to people in their personal networks and community, creating a new online interactive resource that is based on a trusted network of friends and associates on the internet. Starting a Facebook clone has never been so simple with E-friends social networking script.

Members can use this abundant network to make friends, find their love ones, locate jobs, buy and sell stuff, locate a roommate, and accomplish much more with the help of groups and individuals who they know and share the same interests.

Meet New Friends. 1,384 likes 3 talking about this. The 'People Nearby' feature is only available between friends on Facebook. To look for a specific person, friend them on Facebook, go onto Messenger and request their location. Or you can look them up on Messenger and then ask, but they may choose to ignore your request to speak to you. New Facebook Groups Features Facebook Group Badges. We live in a society where people want to know that their contribution is making a difference. Badges—a new feature that admins can turn on or off—are a way to help group members feel special.

With ourversion 5release, you can nowstart a profitable social networking businessby creating custom membership packages using Paypal payment gateway and ability for both members to sell vent tickets. In addition, we have added several new exciting features including blogs, forums, text-based chat, events and many more! Enhancements are also added to the admin backend and with our integrated banner ads system, you can earn extra income by publishing paid banner ads on your E-Friends social networking site.

Start your own Facebook clone in minutes with E-Friends Social Networking Software! Join the already many of oursatisfied clientsthat has been using E-Friends in their sites.

How does E-Friends Social Networking Script works?

Once members are registered with E-Friends, they will be able invite people they know to join their personal or professional network. A member's friends will come to E-Friends and invite their friends. As the network grows, members will have more opportunities to interact easily with people they know, make friends, and use the E-Friends network to enrich their social life.

What can members do on E-Friends?

E-Friends makes it easier for your members to communicate with the people they know, as well as friends of friends that they have not meet before.

Find a friend- Expand members' social network by using E-Friends to find and meet new friends.

Dating- With E-Friends, members can find their life partner or just someone to hang out with by becoming part of the E-Friends community.

Locate/List a Job- Browse through the listing directory and post job listings created by people in E-Friends network.

Get a roommate- Why live with a complete stranger when members could live with the friend of a friend?

Buy and sell stuff- Why buy stuff from an unreliable source when members can get it from your friend at a cheaper price? Members can also sell old or unused goods to their friends who will cherish them instead of selling it to someone they don't know.

Find places to go- Looking for some fun activities to do during the weekend? With the E-Friends, you can search for events in your area or even organize events for your friends to join.

Create and manage groups of people- Use E-Friends to organize existing groups and/or identify and draw together individuals who share a common interest. These Groups can be focused on any subject, affiliation, or activity. Book clubs, soccer teams, and alumni groups can form their own Groups, as well as family members, hobbyists, or professionals.

Blogging- Members can share their thoughts and voice their own views on the web through their own online blog be it a personal diary, a news page or a political commentary.

Messaging- E-Friends message system allows members to send a note to friends, colleagues and people who are listing items that interest them. Members can communicate with their Groups via group message boards and they can also schedule events to inform everyone in their Group of an upcoming event.

Make Money -With the affiliate module members can now invite friends and earn money when new members signup for paid membership packages! Members can also earn extra revenue by selling tickets for their own events

Personal Organizer- E-Friends comes with a built-in calendar for members so that they can organize their daily schedules and activities on the go.

Create Custom Widgets- E-Friends social network features 6 fully customizable widgets for your members to use including photo cube, send cards, countdown timer, crystal ball and create photo borders

andMany more!

Order NowCustomize Software

E-friends Features

Member Functions

Facebook meet new friends feature video

General Member Features

Password forget system

NEWMulti-Theme support: E-friends design comes in 3 flavors

NEWEmail Importer:

Members can create their unique username during registration for their personal profile URL (eg, yoursite.com/friends?username)

Ability to edit personal profile, upload photos to the photo albums, change account settings and many more!

NEW Security image code during registration to prevent automated signups

Display site statistics including total members in the social networking site and number of members who are online

Ability to upgrade membership plans using paypal payments

Recurring billing for paid membership plans and member can view transactions by date range and next billing period

Members can see who has view their profiles

Member voting system

5 most recently updated member profiles will be listed on main page

Members can edit and customize their profile layout[Demo]

Members can upload multimedia content in their profile which can be broadcast through online windows streaming

Allow members to cancel their account

NEWMembers can upload multiple photos to their account

Members can create a member ignore list

Ability to bookmark a Group, listing or a member

Write a testimonial for a friend

Email notification which will send an email to the member when there is a new action to be taken (i.e invitations, new friend request, new testimonial and more)

NEWMembers can now view who rated them

View History - Members are able to view the history of member profiles or groups they have visited.


Compose new messages just like any ordinary emails and send them to the member's network of friends

View inbox/sent/saved messages

Bulletin Board: Bulletin board messages created by a member will be broadcast to al friends


Members can create unlimited audio albums

Ability to upload mp3 files to the albums

Each member profile will have a customizable mp3 audio player and they are able to host their own audio files


Search for new friends and increase the member's network of friends

Basic Search: search by first name, last name, email, distance and degrees

Advance Search: enhance search functions where members can search for friends by age, schools, gender, occupation, interest, company and many more! Members have the ability to display only friends with photos and sort search results.


Members can create listings which will be posting in the Listings Directory

Members can select the category where their listings will be posted and have the ability to upload photos, select the period of the listing (up to 30 days), make the listing anonymous. Members also have the ability to publish a listing to their groups (which only group members can view) or selected network of friends

Ability to search listings by keywords, category and subcategory, distance anddegrees

Members can notify friends through email about their new listings


Groups draw together individuals who share a common interest. These groups can be focused on any subject, affiliation, or activity. Book clubs, soccer teams, and alumni groups can form their own Groups, as well as family members, hobbyists, or professionals

Members can create groups which will be listed in Groups Directory

  • Group Events - Members can create a group event

  • Discussion Board - Enable members to post messages in a group

  • File sharing system

  • Manage Group - This feature allows a member to manage the group type (public, moderated or private) and change other settings such as group URL, title, description and category

View the most popular and newest groups in the directory

Ability to search for groups by keywords


Member can invite friends to join their network

Support for multiple invitation

Members can view the invitations they have sent to their friends and its status (whether their friends have signed up)

Member can now use tags to display either normal invite or affiliate URL


Members can start their own online blog with a unique blog URL

Blog search function

Ability to create blog categories

Ability to edit/delete blog entires

Allows customization of blog layout such as custom header/css, background settings including music/image, blog font, color, time format

Built-in HTML editor for blog entries

RSS 2.0 support


Members can post articles for fellow members to read

Built-in WYSIWYG editor for article posting and members can upload an image for each article

Members can leave a comment on each article

Ability to search for articles by keywords and date published


Members can view all topics and forum stats (number of post/ topics and last post)

Member can search for forum posts

Members can now be set as forum moderators by admin and have additional privileges to edit/delete existing postings

Ability to create new forum topics and post replies


Ability to browse event categories

Members can search for an event by keywords, category, dates degrees and distance.

Ability to create new public/private events

Event creator can specify the max number of guests each member can bring and allow comments by members

Built-in RSVP for each event: participating members can reply with yes/no/maybe and specify number of guest they are bringing

Event creator can invite friends in existing network or enter the email addresses for non-members to join event

Members can now add events to their calendar

NEWEvent creator can export guest list in excel. The details include name, username, number of guest attending, status, ticket ID

Option for generating a unique ticket ID for attendees

NEWEvent creator can have the option to charge members a fee for attending their event. The profits will be credited to the member's account

NEWEvent creator can also have option to allow attendees to print ticket after payment

NEWEvent creator can set the event created as 'Featured' and admin can set the amount for the featured listing fee

NEWUnique event URL (i.e yoursite.com/friends/events/?username)

NEWMembers now have the option to view events posted by them as well as events they are attending


Ability to chat with other members

Members can select chat rooms to talk to other members

Members can send private message or chat invitation to selected members

Ability to configure chat rooms (set display layout and sound controls)


Members can have their own personal online calendar

Ability to view/add new events

Instant Messenger

Members cansend/reply IM to friends and view who is online

NEWMembers can block friends

NEWAbility to view recent chats

NEWConfigure advance IM settings such as auto-accept IM request, set time zone and select language preference


Image rating system where images of members are randomly displayed

Show top 25 men and women

Show most rated men and women

Show men and women by age

Affiliate Program

Unique affiliate link for each member

Support for Tier 1 and tier 2

Support for recurring commissions

Displays affiliate account stats overview

Shows affiliate commission details including amount earn and date

Members can withdraw affiliate earnings via paypal

Admin Functions

Template-based software

Easy to install. Run your own social networking site in minutes!

NEWAbilit to set the default template theme

NEWAdmin can set the social networking system to allow public registration or set it to 'private invitation only'

NEWE-friends now supports more custom member data form fields such as textarea, radio buttons, checkbox and drop-down menu. Admin also has the ability to set them as searchable on the member search system

Admin can customize email messages and system messages

NEWAdmin can set the % commission for each ticket sales and 'Featured' event listing fee

Create/Edit custom profile themes for member

Admin can set the number of days to notify members of their upcoming events by email.

Admin can view payment history for all members by date and set min account balance for each member's account

Option to turn off security image during registration

NEWAdmin can post announcement which will be displayed on member's account page

NEWAbility to restrict predefined email domains during member registration. This can be used to disallow signups using free email address

Users Manager

  • Ability to delete/ban members

  • Admin can mass mail or email selected members

  • Show member stats

  • Add/Deduct creditsin each member's account

  • Admin can set a member as 'Featured Profile' in main page

  • Add a new user account

Search Users

  • Ability to email address and name

Listings Manager

  • Ability to view/edit listings

  • Admin can add/delete categories

  • Ability to add sub-categories

Groups Manager

  • Ability to view/delete groups

  • Admin can add/delete categories

  • Set max file size and restrict file extension type

Article Manager

  • Ability to manage article categories

  • Admin can add articles and edit/delete articles posted by members

NEWImage Manager

  • Admin can now manual approve images upload by members

  • Ability to batch process unapproved images

NEWMP3 Manager

  • Manage mp3 albums and audio files


  • Display real-time statistic which includes total members, total visitors for the week and month, daily visitor stats, number of signups and signins for the week and month

Package Manager

  • Create/Edit custom membership packages

  • Admin has the ability to set prices for each membership plan with limited access to Groups, Listings, Events, Blog, Chat, Forum and number of photo uploads. Great for creating a profitable social networking business!

Events Manager

  • Ability to view/delete events

  • Admin can add/delete event categories

Blogs Manager

  • Ability to view/delete blogs

Forums Manager

  • Ability to view/delete forum postings

  • Admin can add/delete forum categories

Banner Manager

Facebook Meet New Friends Feature
  • Admin can add/edit new banner ad for header and footer

  • Supports flash banner ads

  • Set duration for banner display by date range, number of clicks or number of impressions

  • Ability to block/unblock current banner ads

  • View banner status and statistics (number of clicks, impressions and click-though rate)

  • Advance IP blocking system

Chat Rooms Manager

  • Ability to edit chat rooms

Affiliate Module

  • Ability to set affiliate settings such as tier 1 and 2 commission amount and minimum withdraw for affiliates

  • Admin can view commissions (including recurring commissions ) by month and year showing username and commission amount

  • Admin can track where referrals are coming from and traffic log for each member will show IP address and HTTP referrer. Traffic stats report also include total hits, unique hits and number of registrations.

  • Affiliate Payout: all withdraw requests will be shown here and a paypal link will be automatically generated for each payment.

Widgets Pack

E-friends social networking script now offers customizable widgets for your members to insert them into their member profile page, blogs or even on their websites. Get the exclusive widgets packFREEfor a limited time with every purchase of E-friends.

Photo Border

This widget allows your members to upload photos and attach a border around the photo. Options include ability to select border types, texture and effects.

Demo:Click here

Love Cards

This widgets allows your members to create custom love cards and insert them on their member profile or blogs. The easy to use interface allows members to change the color, themes and text

Demo:Click here

Photo Cube

Members can upload up to 6 images which will form into a cube. This nifty widget allows the viewers to view photos in a cube and able to rotate it.

Demo:Click here

Send Cards

Spice up your members' member profile by offering a customizable Love Card widget. Options include: 40 animated templates, drag and drop interface, ability to edit the text to change the effects, font size, colors and many more!

Demo:Click here


CrystalBall widget allows members to input a pre-selected list of answers and will randomly generate a reply based on the answers for your users. Keep the viewers entertained by putting this widget in the member profile. Other customizable features include setting size of the crystal ball, set text and background color.

Demo:Click here

CountDown Timer

The flash-based countdown timer enables you members to set an end date and the widget will automatically perform a countdown from current date/time to the end date. Great for putting notices or countdown to any events in your members' blog.

Demo:Click here

Order NowCustomize Software

Product Requirements

MySQL (version 4 or higher)
PHP (version 4.2.3 or higher)
GD library for PHP

Pricing and Product Info

  • Cost (single license): $99
  • Or buy at 87% OFF
  • Language: PHP
  • Platform: Unix / Linux
  • Last Update: Mar 03, 2017
  • Current Version: 5.12

    • 100% Source Codes
      Lifetime License
      Free 1 Year Updates
      Free Copyright Removal
      Order Now

Test Drive Efriends

Admin Demo (User: admin, Password: admin)
*Some functions are disabled in the demo
User Demo (Username: user123@alstrasoft.com Password: user123)
Order Now

Create your very own social network at an affordable price

Finally, a potential income generator that will enable you to generate 5 figures or more per month!

AlstraSoft E-Friendsis an online social networking software that allows you tostart your own site just like Facebook. The E-Friends software allows members to connect to people in their personal networks and community, creating a new online interactive resource that is based on a trusted network of friends and associates on the internet. Starting a Facebook clone has never been so simple with E-friends social networking script.

Members can use this abundant network to make friends, find their love ones, locate jobs, buy and sell stuff, locate a roommate, and accomplish much more with the help of groups and individuals who they know and share the same interests.

With ourversion 5release, you can nowstart a profitable social networking businessby creating custom membership packages using Paypal payment gateway and ability for both members to sell vent tickets. In addition, we have added several new exciting features including blogs, forums, text-based chat, events and many more! Enhancements are also added to the admin backend and with our integrated banner ads system, you can earn extra income by publishing paid banner ads on your E-Friends social networking site.

Start your own Facebook clone in minutes with E-Friends Social Networking Software! Join the already many of oursatisfied clientsthat has been using E-Friends in their sites.

Facebook Meet New Friends Feature Images

How does E-Friends Social Networking Script works?

Once members are registered with E-Friends, they will be able invite people they know to join their personal or professional network. A member's friends will come to E-Friends and invite their friends. As the network grows, members will have more opportunities to interact easily with people they know, make friends, and use the E-Friends network to enrich their social life.

What can members do on E-Friends?

E-Friends makes it easier for your members to communicate with the people they know, as well as friends of friends that they have not meet before.

Find a friend- Expand members' social network by using E-Friends to find and meet new friends.

Dating- With E-Friends, members can find their life partner or just someone to hang out with by becoming part of the E-Friends community.

Locate/List a Job- Browse through the listing directory and post job listings created by people in E-Friends network.

Get a roommate- Why live with a complete stranger when members could live with the friend of a friend?

Buy and sell stuff- Why buy stuff from an unreliable source when members can get it from your friend at a cheaper price? Members can also sell old or unused goods to their friends who will cherish them instead of selling it to someone they don't know.

Find places to go- Looking for some fun activities to do during the weekend? With the E-Friends, you can search for events in your area or even organize events for your friends to join.

Create and manage groups of people- Use E-Friends to organize existing groups and/or identify and draw together individuals who share a common interest. These Groups can be focused on any subject, affiliation, or activity. Book clubs, soccer teams, and alumni groups can form their own Groups, as well as family members, hobbyists, or professionals.

Blogging- Members can share their thoughts and voice their own views on the web through their own online blog be it a personal diary, a news page or a political commentary.

Messaging- E-Friends message system allows members to send a note to friends, colleagues and people who are listing items that interest them. Members can communicate with their Groups via group message boards and they can also schedule events to inform everyone in their Group of an upcoming event.

Make Money -With the affiliate module members can now invite friends and earn money when new members signup for paid membership packages! Members can also earn extra revenue by selling tickets for their own events

Personal Organizer- E-Friends comes with a built-in calendar for members so that they can organize their daily schedules and activities on the go.

Create Custom Widgets- E-Friends social network features 6 fully customizable widgets for your members to use including photo cube, send cards, countdown timer, crystal ball and create photo borders

andMany more!

Order NowCustomize Software

E-friends Features

Member Functions

General Member Features

Password forget system

NEWMulti-Theme support: E-friends design comes in 3 flavors

NEWEmail Importer:

Members can create their unique username during registration for their personal profile URL (eg, yoursite.com/friends?username)

Ability to edit personal profile, upload photos to the photo albums, change account settings and many more!

NEW Security image code during registration to prevent automated signups

Display site statistics including total members in the social networking site and number of members who are online

Ability to upgrade membership plans using paypal payments

Recurring billing for paid membership plans and member can view transactions by date range and next billing period

Members can see who has view their profiles

Member voting system

5 most recently updated member profiles will be listed on main page

Members can edit and customize their profile layout[Demo]

Members can upload multimedia content in their profile which can be broadcast through online windows streaming

Allow members to cancel their account

NEWMembers can upload multiple photos to their account

Members can create a member ignore list

Ability to bookmark a Group, listing or a member

Write a testimonial for a friend

Email notification which will send an email to the member when there is a new action to be taken (i.e invitations, new friend request, new testimonial and more)

NEWMembers can now view who rated them

View History - Members are able to view the history of member profiles or groups they have visited.


Compose new messages just like any ordinary emails and send them to the member's network of friends

View inbox/sent/saved messages

Bulletin Board: Bulletin board messages created by a member will be broadcast to al friends


Members can create unlimited audio albums

Ability to upload mp3 files to the albums

Each member profile will have a customizable mp3 audio player and they are able to host their own audio files


Search for new friends and increase the member's network of friends

Basic Search: search by first name, last name, email, distance and degrees

Advance Search: enhance search functions where members can search for friends by age, schools, gender, occupation, interest, company and many more! Members have the ability to display only friends with photos and sort search results.


Members can create listings which will be posting in the Listings Directory

Members can select the category where their listings will be posted and have the ability to upload photos, select the period of the listing (up to 30 days), make the listing anonymous. Members also have the ability to publish a listing to their groups (which only group members can view) or selected network of friends

Ability to search listings by keywords, category and subcategory, distance anddegrees

Members can notify friends through email about their new listings


Groups draw together individuals who share a common interest. These groups can be focused on any subject, affiliation, or activity. Book clubs, soccer teams, and alumni groups can form their own Groups, as well as family members, hobbyists, or professionals

Members can create groups which will be listed in Groups Directory

  • Group Events - Members can create a group event

  • Discussion Board - Enable members to post messages in a group

  • File sharing system

  • Manage Group - This feature allows a member to manage the group type (public, moderated or private) and change other settings such as group URL, title, description and category

View the most popular and newest groups in the directory

Ability to search for groups by keywords


Member can invite friends to join their network

Support for multiple invitation

Members can view the invitations they have sent to their friends and its status (whether their friends have signed up)

Member can now use tags to display either normal invite or affiliate URL


Members can start their own online blog with a unique blog URL

Blog search function

Ability to create blog categories

Ability to edit/delete blog entires

Allows customization of blog layout such as custom header/css, background settings including music/image, blog font, color, time format

Built-in HTML editor for blog entries

RSS 2.0 support


Members can post articles for fellow members to read

Built-in WYSIWYG editor for article posting and members can upload an image for each article

Members can leave a comment on each article

Ability to search for articles by keywords and date published


Members can view all topics and forum stats (number of post/ topics and last post)

Member can search for forum posts

Members can now be set as forum moderators by admin and have additional privileges to edit/delete existing postings

Ability to create new forum topics and post replies


Ability to browse event categories

Members can search for an event by keywords, category, dates degrees and distance.

Ability to create new public/private events

Event creator can specify the max number of guests each member can bring and allow comments by members

Built-in RSVP for each event: participating members can reply with yes/no/maybe and specify number of guest they are bringing

Event creator can invite friends in existing network or enter the email addresses for non-members to join event

Members can now add events to their calendar

NEWEvent creator can export guest list in excel. The details include name, username, number of guest attending, status, ticket ID

Option for generating a unique ticket ID for attendees

NEWEvent creator can have the option to charge members a fee for attending their event. The profits will be credited to the member's account

NEWEvent creator can also have option to allow attendees to print ticket after payment

NEWEvent creator can set the event created as 'Featured' and admin can set the amount for the featured listing fee

NEWUnique event URL (i.e yoursite.com/friends/events/?username)

NEWMembers now have the option to view events posted by them as well as events they are attending


Ability to chat with other members

Members can select chat rooms to talk to other members

Members can send private message or chat invitation to selected members

Ability to configure chat rooms (set display layout and sound controls)


Members can have their own personal online calendar

Ability to view/add new events

Instant Messenger

Members cansend/reply IM to friends and view who is online

NEWMembers can block friends

NEWAbility to view recent chats

NEWConfigure advance IM settings such as auto-accept IM request, set time zone and select language preference


Image rating system where images of members are randomly displayed

Show top 25 men and women

Show most rated men and women

Show men and women by age

Affiliate Program

Unique affiliate link for each member

Support for Tier 1 and tier 2

Support for recurring commissions

Displays affiliate account stats overview

Shows affiliate commission details including amount earn and date

Members can withdraw affiliate earnings via paypal

Admin Functions

Template-based software

Easy to install. Run your own social networking site in minutes!

NEWAbilit to set the default template theme

NEWAdmin can set the social networking system to allow public registration or set it to 'private invitation only'

NEWE-friends now supports more custom member data form fields such as textarea, radio buttons, checkbox and drop-down menu. Admin also has the ability to set them as searchable on the member search system

New Facebook Live Features

Admin can customize email messages and system messages

NEWAdmin can set the % commission for each ticket sales and 'Featured' event listing fee

Create/Edit custom profile themes for member

Admin can set the number of days to notify members of their upcoming events by email.

Admin can view payment history for all members by date and set min account balance for each member's account

Option to turn off security image during registration

NEWAdmin can post announcement which will be displayed on member's account page

NEWAbility to restrict predefined email domains during member registration. This can be used to disallow signups using free email address

Users Manager

  • Ability to delete/ban members

  • Admin can mass mail or email selected members

  • Show member stats

  • Add/Deduct creditsin each member's account

  • Admin can set a member as 'Featured Profile' in main page

  • Add a new user account

Search Users

  • Ability to email address and name

Listings Manager

  • Ability to view/edit listings

  • Admin can add/delete categories

  • Ability to add sub-categories

Groups Manager

  • Ability to view/delete groups

  • Admin can add/delete categories

  • Set max file size and restrict file extension type

Article Manager

Meet New Friends In My Area

  • Ability to manage article categories

  • Admin can add articles and edit/delete articles posted by members

NEWImage Manager

  • Admin can now manual approve images upload by members

  • Ability to batch process unapproved images

NEWMP3 Manager

  • Manage mp3 albums and audio files


  • Display real-time statistic which includes total members, total visitors for the week and month, daily visitor stats, number of signups and signins for the week and month

Package Manager

  • Create/Edit custom membership packages

  • Admin has the ability to set prices for each membership plan with limited access to Groups, Listings, Events, Blog, Chat, Forum and number of photo uploads. Great for creating a profitable social networking business!

Events Manager

  • Ability to view/delete events

  • Admin can add/delete event categories

Blogs Manager

  • Ability to view/delete blogs

Forums Manager

  • Ability to view/delete forum postings

  • Admin can add/delete forum categories

Banner Manager

  • Admin can add/edit new banner ad for header and footer

  • Supports flash banner ads

  • Set duration for banner display by date range, number of clicks or number of impressions

  • Ability to block/unblock current banner ads

  • View banner status and statistics (number of clicks, impressions and click-though rate)

  • Advance IP blocking system

Facebook Meet New Friends Feature Video

Chat Rooms Manager

  • Ability to edit chat rooms

Affiliate Module

  • Ability to set affiliate settings such as tier 1 and 2 commission amount and minimum withdraw for affiliates

  • Admin can view commissions (including recurring commissions ) by month and year showing username and commission amount

  • Admin can track where referrals are coming from and traffic log for each member will show IP address and HTTP referrer. Traffic stats report also include total hits, unique hits and number of registrations.

  • Affiliate Payout: all withdraw requests will be shown here and a paypal link will be automatically generated for each payment.

Widgets Pack

E-friends social networking script now offers customizable widgets for your members to insert them into their member profile page, blogs or even on their websites. Get the exclusive widgets packFREEfor a limited time with every purchase of E-friends.

Photo Border

This widget allows your members to upload photos and attach a border around the photo. Options include ability to select border types, texture and effects.

Demo:Click here

Love Cards

This widgets allows your members to create custom love cards and insert them on their member profile or blogs. The easy to use interface allows members to change the color, themes and text

Demo:Click here

Photo Cube

Members can upload up to 6 images which will form into a cube. This nifty widget allows the viewers to view photos in a cube and able to rotate it.

Demo:Click here

Send Cards

Spice up your members' member profile by offering a customizable Love Card widget. Options include: 40 animated templates, drag and drop interface, ability to edit the text to change the effects, font size, colors and many more!

Demo:Click here


CrystalBall widget allows members to input a pre-selected list of answers and will randomly generate a reply based on the answers for your users. Keep the viewers entertained by putting this widget in the member profile. Other customizable features include setting size of the crystal ball, set text and background color.

Demo:Click here

CountDown Timer

The flash-based countdown timer enables you members to set an end date and the widget will automatically perform a countdown from current date/time to the end date. Great for putting notices or countdown to any events in your members' blog.

Demo:Click here

Order NowCustomize Software

Product Requirements

MySQL (version 4 or higher)
PHP (version 4.2.3 or higher)
GD library for PHP

Pricing and Product Info

  • Cost (single license): $99
  • Or buy at 87% OFF
  • Language: PHP
  • Platform: Unix / Linux
  • Last Update: Mar 03, 2017
  • Current Version: 5.12

    • 100% Source Codes
      Lifetime License
      Free 1 Year Updates
      Free Copyright Removal
      Order Now

Test Drive Efriends

Admin Demo (User: admin, Password: admin)

Facebook Meet Friends

*Some functions are disabled in the demo

How To Meet New Friends On Facebook

User Demo (Username: user123@alstrasoft.com Password: user123)
Order Now