Good Way To Describe Yourself On A Dating Site

Good Way To Describe Yourself On A Dating Site Average ratng: 4,5/5 3120 reviews

Ways to describe yourself for online dating In creating a dating profiles. Words you have templates, think it comes to describe myself on dating profile can use to describe the crowd. Smart online dating and selecting the number one place. All the best dating sites, like Match, offer profile writing tips that can help you along the way. How to Write a Dating Profile for Men (#6-10) Guys, you can most certainly make use of the tips above, but we’d recommend you pay extra attention to the advice below, as it all pertains to you. Best way to describe yourself on a dating site examples Sample profiles below enjoy! 2018-8-9 this character limit is the sample online dating profile for older man. 2020-6-18 this character limit is fun, the most important writing a new for success! But being funny doesn't come naturally to a lot of guys, so check out these 3 examples of witty profiles for dating sites. They are written for popular dating sites like, POF, and OkCupid, but with a few tweaks you can adapt them to any site you’re on. Exclusive Bonus: Download 8 of our best, proven profiles that you can copy. The way you describe yourself here allows other singles to have a small insight into your life and imagine being with you, so give a true snapshot of your life by writing expressively about who you are and boldly defining the type of relationship you want.

Your written profile is gold mine of opportunity. A lot of guys overlook it. Here's why you shouldn't, plus 25 easy ways to take advantage of it.

Q: 'Why should I spend a lot of time writing my profile? It seems girls only care about messages.'

You’re right: good first messages (that start conversations) are absolutely critical in online dating.

Except when girls get a great message, it doesn’t mean we immediately hit Reply. First, we look at your profile.

Your great first message tells girls to give your profile a shot. What you write about yourself is the final word on whether we reply.

'So my written profile actually seals the deal?'

Yes! Your profile tells girls you’re a fit for us in personality, lifestyle, and sense of humor. Basically, that we’ll like hanging out (and making out) with you.

When we see you have a great profile, we get extra psyched that you wrote us that great message. Now we want to immediately reply to your message before another girl snaps you up!

'What should I write to make her want to reply?'

This article has specific profile tips for your long-game.

In short, the trick is using lots of detailed self-description, and avoiding general descriptions (like “fun-loving” and “active”). Using examples from your life is the best way to do this.

Instead of listing general characteristics (like “active”), ask yourself Why? What? or How? to get to the specific details:

  • Why would you describe yourself that way?

  • How doyou back that statement up in your everyday life?

  • What it is that you do?

  • Why do you do it?

You’ll stand out from other “active” guys when you answer those questions with something specific, like:

“I run a couple miles every day after work. It really clears my head. Zombies, Run! is the best.”


When you use that extra detail, you create common ground and conversation-starters.

For example, that statement above could hook girls who also run to clear their minds, or use the app, or have heard about the app but want to know what you think…or girls who have no idea what zombies you’re talking about and now want to ask you about it!

'What else should I write about to stand out to girls?'

Here are prompts to create conversation-starter specifics in your profile:

1. What do you live to do on the weekend?

2. Describe your ideal Sunday morning.

3. What was the last concert you went to? What did you think of it?

4. What are your short-term goals for yourself this year?

5. What personal qualities make you especially good at your job?

6. What do you like best about your family?

7. What’s your favorite thing to do with your best friend?

8. What aspects of yourself are you most proud of?

9. What activity or moment makes you happy to be alive?

10. What have you worked hardest to achieve in your life?

11. Outside of work, what do you spend the most time doing?

12. What do you wish you did more often?

Remember: also answering Why? What? or How? to these questions gets you those deeper details that girls love.

13. Look at that list of the six things you couldn’t live without. Explain why you couldn’t live without them. It doesn't have to be long and elaborate...

This guy does a nice job of quickly adding some extra personality:

14. What’s one long-term goal you have for the next five years?

15. What characteristics do all your friends have in common?

16. What are you most thankful for this year?

17. What life experiences have shaped you the most?

18. What’s the best movie you’ve seen recently? The worst?

This guy follows that up by answering What? and creates a bunch of conversation-starters:

GoodGood Way To Describe Yourself On A Dating Site

19. Describe how you’ve been shaped by a person who is important to you: a professor, your nephew, a boss, your grandfather, etc.

20. What are you looking forward to most next month? (If your profile remains active past that event, then revise it to describe the experience you just had – and pick something new you're looking forward to.)

21. What games do you like to play with your friends? (Cards Against Humanity, Catan, HORSE, WOW, DDR – whatever. It’s all good.)

22. What’s your favorite thing you know how to cook?

23. What do your friends ask you to handle at parties? (Beer selection, the music, loosening up guests when they first arrive, etc.)

'I want more ideas!'

24) Be really random:

Being a little random and irreverent can be good. You don’t have to take every question seriously. Let your sense of humor come out! As long as you don’t make a joke out of every question, girls will eat that shit up.

25) Make a list.

Freestyle it for a little bit, listing anything you can think of that you enjoy. You’ll stumble upon some unique facts about yourself! Plus, girls who love the same things will instantly feel the sense of connection.

When I read a list this good, I want to marry it and have its babies:

Basically, as Amelie taught us, there’s something so delightful about an obscure list of things you enjoy:


'How do I know when to stop?!'

A couple of these prompts (for each section on your profile) are more than enough to let your true personality shine through.

Just pick a few that show your sense of humor, some deep thoughts, and what gets you psyched.

Anytime you explain what makes you tick, you’re assuring the right girl that she really wants to reply to your awesome first message.

Don’t be surprised when your inbox blows up.

In this article I'm going to show you some real life examples to help you understand what a good text should be like and what mistakes to avoid.

Pictures are very important, but a good text will definitely make your profile more effective; it’s the difference between 'I suppose he’s okay...' and 'I HAVE to meet this guy!' On the flip side, a poorly worded text can ruin the impression you give, even if your pictures are good. The most attractive girls tend to favor profiles where both the pictures and the text are great, so it certainly pays to learn how to do it right. Good learning always start with examples, and in that spirit, we’ll look at two profile texts. Read them carefully and try to form an opinion; are they good or bad? Why? When you’re done, you can move on to my comments.

About me
I'm a possitive person and I try to live life as best as I can. I'm an active an outgoing person, and I try to find time to try new things. I try to care about the people around me. I'm determined, independent and I know what I want in life. I have a great family that gives me lots of support.
What I'm looking for
I don't really have an answer, but I do like girls who are livelly and active. She should have a sense of humour and not take herself too seriously.
Occupation and interests
I'm a franchisee in the restaurant business and I spend a lot of time working. I also put in a a few hours in the gym every week, and I play soccer. I like to travel, and I'm kind of passionate about soccer, so I kind of like going to London to watch my favourite team. I've lived in Bournemouth for a year and I like Britain in general, but in the summer I prefer a hotter climate.

This text has several misspellings, and the writing is generally boring and riddled with clichés and unspecific statements. The word 'try' is used a lot, and together with words like 'support' it makes us feel like this guy is struggling through life. It’s a classic example of why it's important to consider the mood that the words you choose bring to your text!

The user's tendency to claim a lot of things about himself is interesting. Apparently, he's active and determined, and he knows what he wants. But take a look at this sentence: 'What I'm looking for: I don't really have an answer'. Then he goes on to list a few general characteristics that won't really exclude anyone; you get the sense that most girls would fit his description. How does that correspond to the claims he just made? Is this really a man who knows what he wants? He's contradicting himself between the lines, and in the end he comes off as a spineless guy who's trying be what he thinks girls want him to be. 'He seems like kind of a wuss', the girl who helped me select this text commented.

Speaking of what’s between the lines; the phrase 'I'm kind of passionate about soccer' is also interesting. How often do you really hear the word 'passionate' preceded by the words 'kind of'? He's trying to understate his interest in soccer, probably because he's afraid some girls won't like it. It doesn't exactly give you the impression that he's a confident, attractive guy.

He sounds off with the seemingly mandatory part about working out and a little section about his job. By all means, it's expected and perfectly normal to write a few paragraphs about what you do for a living, but in this case the phrase, 'I spend a lot of time working' kind of makes you feel like he's wishing things were different. He would be better off focusing on the positive aspects of what he does − the stuff he likes about his job. Once again, the tone of the words you choose matters.

Best words to describe yourself on a dating site

In conclusion, this is a bad profile text, though in many ways it's also fairly typical; most guys on dating sites will end up with something similar to this. Let’s look at the second example:

About me
My life as a stockbroker demands that I'm always fit for fight. I spend my free time at the gym, preferably close to the windows so that people passing by can admire my designer running tights. The weekends are action 24/7; you can find me where the fine wines flow, and...
OK, if the preceding words appeal to you please stop reading right now. I'm not right for you. I'll be a huge disappointment. In fact, I'm the polar opposite of that guy. I work for the county, and I don't really make that much money, but I do love what I do. I spend my spare time relaxing on the sofa or with friends if I feel like it. At times I can be kind of difficult, to tell you the truth. And I swear pigs will fly the day I don a pair of running tights.
What I'm looking for
You have to be independent and you have to have some degree of stability in your life. I'm not spending my time playing therapist. It would be nice if you kept yourself in sufficient physical condition to be able to walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded, and if you spent a few seconds in front of a mirror in the morning as well I’d be ecstatic. Apart from that you can be whoever you want to be as long as you laugh at my jokes and smile when you look at me.

This text belongs to a friend of mine, and he’s not totally lost when it comes to online dating. He manages to set himself apart by commenting on the way other guys tend to write profile texts; at first you think he's serious, and he seems like a douche of epic proportions, then it quickly dawns on you that he's being ironic. It's a way of creating an emotional build-up, like I discuss in my book.

Other guys will usually exaggerate how much they earn; this guy does the opposite − he plainly states that he doesn't have much money. However, between the lines he's communicating that he knows he's an attractive guy, and that he's used to getting girls without trying to impress them. He describes himself as difficult, and he starts off by telling girls to stop reading; he's using the tried and true stay-away-from-me schtick, creating a barrier between him and the girl to make himself more exciting, as opposed to trying to persuade her to give him a chance like most guys would do.

How Do You Describe Yourself On A Dating Site

Then he follows up with a little callback humor, returning to the running tights and using the old sounding word “don” to create a quirky effect that probably will make some girls smirk. He starts to describe what he's looking for, and he uses a tone that makes him seem particular and specific; whereas the first guy basically said, 'as long as you're a girl, I'm interested' this guy seems to be more demanding. In reality, though, his demands aren't all that excluding; it's the way in which he makes them, the tone he uses, that give an assertive impression.

Best Way To Write About Yourself On A Dating Site

Nevertheless, this text is teetering on the edge with its heavy use of irony and comparatively harsh and negative words. Girls react differently to it; some find it obnoxious and offensive, others love it for its fresh and rebellious approach. Furthermore, there are some really good tricks that it doesn’t use; in my book, I discuss a lot of different techniques for writing captivating texts, and I also include an example highlighting an effective and seldom used strategy called 'cracking the shell'.

Good Words To Describe Yourself On A Dating Site

About the author:

A Good Way To Describe Yourself On A Dating Site

  • My name is Sondre and I'm an obsessive guy. I've spent the better part of a decade studying how attraction is kindled by text and images, and through interviews and experiments I have figured out how to create a profile that appeals to exactly the kind of women you want to meet. Through I have helped regular guys get extraordinary results, and now it's finally your turn!