Jw Online Dating
DATING (Social)
(See also Courtship)
abusive relationships: g05 3/8 30; g05 4/8 30; g04 5/22 19-21; g04 6/22 23-25
appreciation for Awake! articles on: g02 8/8 30
avoiding misconduct: w15 1/15 32; lv 105; g 2/10 12-13; g04 8/22 18; yp 193-197, 286-287; g86 4/22 10-12
Jehovah Witness Dating is part of the dating network, which includes many other general and jehovah's witness dating sites. As a member of Jehovah Witness Dating, your profile will automatically be shown on related jehovah's witness dating sites or to related users in the network at no additional charge. JW Match is one of the more polished, professionally done dating websites specific to the Jehovah's Witness population. They do charge a fee for full access (around $30 for one month or $15 a month for a year), but initially creating a profile is free. Unlike many other JW dating websites, JW Match has no requirement of making a.
not toying with immorality: g94 3/22 16-18
avoiding toying with another’s feelings: yp1 201-202
being attractive to boys: yp1 188-194; g 1/10 26-28
being attractive to girls: yp1 195-202; g 5/09 18-20
chaperon: w99 9/1 18; g94 3/22 17

considerations before dating someone: fy 18, 20-21; yp 252-253
unbaptized publisher or Bible student: w04 7/1 30-31; w89 11/1 22
dangers: w86 8/1 13-14
disadvantages for teens: yp 226, 228-231; g88 2/8 18-19
Jw Dating Site Online Dating
discussion: g 5/14 2; yp1 199-202; g 5/09 18-20; yp2 14-27; yp 225-226, 228-231, 234-235
displaying affection: yp2 43; g04 8/22 18; g94 3/22 16-18; yp 226, 228-230, 254-255; g89 4/22 21
setting boundaries: w17.11 26; yp2 46-47
disobedience leads to near loss of life: yp 11, 17
first dates: fy 20; g89 4/22 20-21
Internet dating: g05 4/22 16-18; g05 5/22 12-14
site promotes infidelity: g 5/11 29
meaning of term: yp2 15; g 1/07 27-28
parental guidance: yp1 308-310; g 1/07 30; g92 6/22 6-9

secret dating: yp2 21-27; g 6/07 26-29
unbelievers: lvs 125; w16.02 29; w15 8/15 25; w04 7/1 30; w98 10/15 16; g95 4/8 30
value of waiting: yp2 16-20; g01 1/22 20-21
when not or no longer interested: g01 3/22 12-14; g01 11/22 30
Jehovah's Witnesses Dating Sites Jwmatch
when other person declines: yp1 200
when parents think you are too young: g01 1/22 19-21; g01 10/8 30; g01 11/22 30
when to start: yp2 16-20; g 2/08 30; g 1/07 27-30
when young: g01 12/22 25-27
whether regular talking is: g92 8/22 17-18
Witness view: mwb17.12 7; w99 10/1 8-9